
Late-breaking news and information. (Share your news)

03/03/2025 - Classmates passing Judy (Hislop) Henzler

I was informed by Blake Nye, the son-in-law of Judy (Hislop) Henzler, that Judy passed away March 1, 2025 in Washington Township Michigan.

She will be interred at Lake Forest Cemetery.


11/04/2024 - Classmates passing Lsyle Clark Johnson

Sorry to report that Lysle Johnson passed away Sunday, October 6, 2024.

His funeral was held on October 20, 2024 in Rockford, MI.


Obituaries: Pederson Funeral Home & Funeral Services, (archived)

08/30/2024 - Classmates passing Judy Secory

Sorry to report that Judy Secory passed away Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at home in Kansas.

There will be a funeral on October 26, 2024 in Kansas. Burial will be at the family gravesite in Grand Haven at a later date.


Obituaries: Warren-McElwain Mortuary & Funeral Services, (archived)

08/15/2024 - 66th Class Reunion

Here is a summary of our 66th class reunion, held August 9 thru 11, 2024.

Friday, August 9, 2024:
     Golf Outing at Crestview Golf Club - three foursomes.
     Girls Luncheon at TED;s - fifteen attended

Saturday, August 10, 2024:
     Picnic at Pottawattomie Park - Total of 42 attended (28 classmates and guests).
     Tour of our high school - fifteen took the memorable tour.

Sunday, August 11, 2024:
     Pizza at Fricano's Muskegon: eighteen attended.

Total 1958 classmates: 294
     Deceased as of August 3, 2024 - 121
     Remaining with contact information (email) - 121
     Remaining without contact information (email or cell number) - 67
     {Only a name and no contact information, included in above totals - 5]

Current Checking Account Balance: $204.57

Note: Gene Warner communicates scheduled events and classmate passings (see Remembrance) on our website.

Please let me know if you change any of your contact information (mailing address, email address, or cell phone number.) If you have any comments or suggestions regarding any of our activities, or ways to communicate with those with no email or cell phone contact, please let me know.

Our 67th Class Reunion acivities schedule:
     Friday, August 8, 2025 - Golf Outing and Girls Luncheon
     Saturday, August 9, 2025 - Picnic
     Sunday, August 10, 2025 - Pizza

Thank you to those that helped plan our activities, and those that attended.

Dave - cell 812-618-8054, or email

07/17/2024 - Classmates passing Sharon Jerovsek Seaver

Sorry to report that Sharon Jerovsek Seaver passed away Sunday, July 14, 2014.

Her obituary is in the Grand Haven tribune.


Obituaries: Klaassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

06/20/2024 - Classmates passing Barbara Helen Mihalek

Sorry to report that Barbara Helen (Mihalek) Eskew passed away June 14, 2024.

Her obituary is in the Grand Haven tribune.


Obituaries: Sytsema Funeral Home, (archived)

06/11/2024 - Tour Our High School

We have an opportunity to tour the high school we attended. It is now a middle school. Rusty Schaubel has made arrangements with the school to tour on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 2 pm. That is at the end of our reunion picnic.

The school would like to know how many would take the tour. So, please let me know, if you are interested and would like to take the tour.

Looking forward to many memories of our time in high school.


PS: My contact, if there are questions: cell 812-618-8054

05/20/2024 - Classmates passing Howard Lubben

Saddened by the notification that our classmate Howie Lubben passed away May 10, 2024. He was living in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Thanks to Al Jones for the information.


Obituaries: Wages & Sons Funeral Homes, (archived)

04/18/2024 - Class Tour Opportunity

This summer is our 66th Class Reunion. The schedule will be sent soon.

Arrangement has been made to tour the high school we attended (it is now a middle school). We have the opportunity to tour after our picnic on Saturday, August 10, 2024 starting at approximately 2 pm. The tour would include seeing changes that have been made since we attended and, I'm sure, bring back many memories.

If you are interested, please let me know as soon as you can.


PS: Some of our classmates do not have email. If you know of any, please let them know about the opportunity and respond. My cell number is 812-618-8054

03/18/2024 - Classmates passing (George) Dale Waldo

Sorry to let you all know that our classmate Dale Waldo passed away Sunday, March 17, 2024

When I have more details, I will send them.


Obituaries: Lansing State Journal, Palmer, Bush & Jenson Family Funeral Homes, (archived)

02/05/2024 - Classmates passing (Larry Ray Draper)

Sorry to report that Larry Ray Draper passed away Friday, February 2, 2024 in Hart, MI. His obituary is on


Obituary: Sytsema Funeral Services, Muskegon, MI, (archived)

01/30/2024 - Classmates passing (Sharlene Marie (Porter) Moore)

Sorry to report that Sharlene Marie (Porter) Moore passed away (about) September 20, 2022. Didn't find an obituary, but she and her husband are buried in Fruitport.


Obituary: Pine Hill Cemetery - Fruitport, MI, (archived)

01/27/2024 - Classmates passing (James Richard Peterson)

Our classmate Jim Peterson passed away Wednesday, January 24, 2024. Graveside services are planned for Monday, the 29th at Lake Forest Cemetery in Grand Haven.


Obituary: Klaassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

12/14/2023 - Classmates passing (Jane (Byrne) Palmer)

Our classmate Jane (Byrne) Palmer passed away November 22, 2023. Her obituary was in the Lansing State Journal December 10, 2023. A memorial service will be held December 27, 2023 in Portland, Oregon. It will be on Zoom and if interested, I can send you the link provided by her daughter Amelia.


Obituary: (archived)

09/06/23 - 65th Class Reunion Update

Our 65th Class Reunion was held August 11 through August 13, 2023. Again, this year we enjoyed fellowship with many classmates and guests at the Girls Luncheon with 19 attending; Men's golf outing with two foursomes; a catered picnic with 49 attending and pizza with 21 classmates and guests..

This past year we lost five classmates: Jerry Nieusma, Mariann Andree, Terry Bessemeir, Mina Overzet and Rod Ferguson.

The class checking account was established at Fifth Third Bank with signature cards for John Martin, Bill Rowell and David Matzen. The current balance is $342.57.

Our 66th class reunion will be August 9 through August 11, 2024. It will be a week after the Coast Guard Festival.

Dave Matzen
4940 Marble Drive, Newburgh, IN 47360
email — cell 812-618-8054

08/05/23 - Class Reunion Picnic

REMINDER for those that did not read the email that was sent about the picnic next Saturday, August 12, 2023.

There is no cost for the picnic lunch. IT WILL BE CATERED AT NO COST TO THOSE THAT ATTEND.

Please contact me with any questions.

Dave Matzen
email — cell 812-618-8054

05/13/2023 - 65th Reunion

65th Reunion! It's that time again for another enjoyable time of fellowship and memories. Please come and join in all the activities.

Here are our planned activities


04/20/2023 - Classmates passing (Rod Ferguson)

Sorry to report that Rod Ferguson passed away April 18, 2023. An announcement was in the Grand Haven Tribune.


Obituary: Klaassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

10/21/2022 - Classmates passing (Mina Overzet)

Just received word that Mina (Overzet) Gutierrez passed away October 19, 2022. Obituary in the Grand Haven Tribune.


Obituary: Klaassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

10/02/2022 - Classmates passing (Mariann Andree)

Just received word that Mariann Andree Mueller passed away September 21, 2022. She was a classmate in spring Lake through the ninth grade, before Grand Haven High School.


Obituary: Sytsema Funeral & Cremation Services, (archived)

08/20/2022 - 64th Reunion Luncheon Attendees

Who's Who? ... View Photo

Front row left to right: Janet (Swiftney) Ernst; Coleen (Tucker) Heyboer; Sharon (Jerovsek) Seaver; Pat (Voss) McGinty; Betty (Peel) Dalman; Gloria (Witt) Draeger

Back row left to right: Marilyn Buikema John's wife); Mary Riemersma (Ron's sister); Nancy (Dekiep) Boon; Ellen Michele (Chuck's wife); Mary (Bersonnet) Verberkmoes; Betty (Rogers) Wachter; Carol (Strange) Randall; Rita (Gallagher) Rouwhorst; Judy Secory; Mary (Vermurlen) Marod


08/15/2022 - 64th Reunion Pictures

Here are pictures from our 64th class reunion. The golf picture is the group that played on Friday, July 28.

If you have any additioal pictures, Please send and I will send to the class.


08/08/2022 - Classmates passing (Jerry Nieusma)

Jerry passed away last evening. We will be planning a memorial and militay ceremony sometime in October, with burial in th enational cemetary in Grafton, WV.

Judy Nieusma

Obituary: Funeral Home, (archived)

08/02/2022 - 64th Reunion Recap/65th Planning

Here is a brief recap of our 64th reunion:

- Friday, July 26, 2022 - the Girls Luncheon at TEDS in Spring Lake was attended by 16, and group picture was taken.

- Friday, July 26, 2022 - twelve golfers participated in the Golf Outing at the Crestview Golf Course.

- Saturday, July 27th, 2022 - the Annual Picnic, on a beautiful day at Pottawatomie Park, was attended by 41, which included 29 classmates. Pictures were taken.

- Sunday, July 28th, 2022 - Pizza at Fricanos-Muskegon was attended by 20; pictures were taken.

NEXT YEAR, our 65th Reunion - Mark these dates ...

- Friday, August 11, 2023 - Girls Luncheon and Golf Outing.

- Saturday, August 12, 2023 - Annual Picnic at Pottawatomie Park.

- Sunday, August 13, 2023 - Pizza at Fricanos-Muskegon

We are moving the dates one week after Coast Guard to allow more classmates to make accommodation reservations. It was also suggested that we cater the noon meal for the picnic.

Other ideas that we are checking are: attend the Homecoming football game as a group; print and have available T-shirts similar to the one we had printed for the 50th. Details to be communicated as we get closer to activities next year.

Please note: If you have changed any of your contact information, please let me know. There are several classmates that either their phone number has changed or their email address, so they are not receiving any communications. If anyone has a new contact for: Nancy Minshull or Rachel Meerman. Let me know.


06/27/2022 - Classmates passing

Lance Makin passed away June 11, in New Era, Michigan. Arrangements were by the Ofield Funeral Home of Kentwood.

Prayers for the family.


Obituary: Simply Cremation & Funeral Care, (archived)

06/01/2022 - Jerry Nieusma

From: Judy Nieusma ...

We will not be attending this year. Jerry is not doing well and we are staying home and waiting for Our Lord and Savior to call him home. He is not in pain, but unable to do anything for himself other than eat, read and very little conversation. We have been blessed with a wonderful family and they have been tending to our needs even more than anticipated. We wish each and everyone a wonderful time at the reunion.

Judy and Jerry

05/31/2022 - 64th Class Reunion

Greetings Classmates ...

Another year, and it's time for our 64th reunion. WOW! It's really hard to believe. Please come and enjoy treat memories. Hope to see many of you this summer.

Here are our planned activities

Dave Matzen   812-618-8054
4940 Marble Drive
Newburgh, IM 47630

04/23/2022 - Classmates passing

Sharon Anderson Kriss passed away December 17, 2021 Her obituary is in the GrandHaven Tribune.

Sorry for her passing. She was a good friend and band member in Spring Lake. Lived just up the street from me on Fruitport Road.


Obituary: Sytsema Funeral & Cremation Services, (archived)

03/18/2022 - Classmates passing

Jim Snell passed away February 12, 2022


Jim Snell Obituary: Matthysse Kuiper DeGraaf Funeral Home, (archived)

03/12/2022 - Lenny Kanouse

FWD from to Dave Matzen

I don't know if you read the GH Tribune. I get it on my PC every day. I noticed an article a couple of days ago about a fire in GH that destroyed the home of Donna Kanouse. Donna was the wife of our deceased classmate, Leonard Kanouse. Apparently the only possessions she had left was the PJ's she was wearing when she got out of the house. Her daughter set up a go fund me account to aid her. I thought that you may want to put out an invitation to our classmates to consider donating to her account. It's Help Donna Kanouse after Fire on

01/06/2022 - Classmates passing

From the Grand Haven Tribune ...

Bill Bramer passed away December 16,2021

Jon Wierenga passed away December 30, 2021

Bob McGreavy passed away January 3, 2022

If any of you have the written obituaries, please send me a copy.


Bill Bramer Obituary: Dykstra Funeral Home, (archived)

Jon Wierenga Obituary: Ever Rest Funeral Home, (archived)

Bob McGreevy Obituary: Phoenix Crematory, (archived)

12/18/2021 - James D Eggert

Just received this ...


Obituary: Phoenix Cramatory, (archived)

08/19/2021 - Re: 63nd Class Reunion Recap

Here is a brief recap of activities from our 63rd class reunion:

Friday, July 30, 2021 Golf Outing 11 players
                                   Girls Luncheon 17 attended
Saturday, July 31, 2021 Picnic 40 attended
Sunday, August 1, 2021 Pizza 29 attended

Good attendance at all activities. Some classmates that had not attended in recent years came (Cy Stewart, John Lilley, Anne Anderson)

Out of approximately 300 classmates (it has been hard trying to determine the total number in our class), there are about 200 remaining. However, of the 200 we are missing the following names/contact information:
Glenda Kaye Denton (Woodward)
Bonnie Meade (Boorsema)
Bonnie Melvin (Green)
Judith Alyce Palmer (VanderLaan)
Cynthia Rexer
Nancy Scheffers (Allen)
Chuck Bugielski

If you have any information about any of these classmates, please let me know.

As of July 12, 2021 we have lost 100 classmates. A great outline of is located on the website that Gene Warner has compiled at

Mary Krepp (Voetberg) died May 18, 2021. Mary was our recent class Treasurer and established a class checking account for the class at Huntington National Bank. At the picnic the class voted to change the bank account signature card to continue the account. Bill Rowell, John Martin and David Matzen are the signatures on the bank account. Bill has agreed to retain the account records and make deposits for the class activity donations.

Next year will be our 64th class reunion. Mark your calendars for 2022 (Coast Guard is always the first week in August)
Friday, July 29 2022 Golf Outing and Girls Luncheon
Saturday, July 30, 2022 Picnic
Sunday, July 31, 2022 Pizza

Thank you to all those who helped make this year another successful gathering. It is such fun to meet each year and share experiences and have just good fellowship.

Thanks to all and God Bless each one of you.


05/19/2021 - Mary (Krepp) Voetberg

Sorry to report that Mary (Krepp) Voetberg passed away yesterday, May 18, 2021. Not sure what the arrangements are. Might check Grand Haven Tribune newspaper and Holland newspaper.


Obituary: Dykstra Funeral Home, (archived)

05/08/2021 - 63rd GHHS Class Reunion Recap 63nd Class Reunion Reminder

Greetings Classmates ...

Boy, another year has passed and it's time for our 63rd reunion! The time together provides an opportunity to enjoy fellowship and to share so many great times together. Hope to see many of you this summer. Here are the planned activities:

Friday, July 30, 2021
     Golf Outing at Pidgeon Creek. Start time 9 am. If interested contact John Helmers 616-915-9496 and/or Bill Rowell 231-745-3403
     Girls Luncheon (Friday, July 30, 2021) TBD If interested, contact Gloria Draeger (cell 616-502-1617) or home 616-842-9665

Saturday, July 31, 2021
     Picnic at Pottawattomie Park from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Reserved by Bill Rowell ($90.00 fee). Bring your own lunch and lawn chair

Sunday, August 1, 2021
     Pizza at Fricano's Muskegon at 4 pm

Dave Matzen
email — cell 812-618-8054
4940 Marble Drive, Newburgh, IN 47630

02/11/2021 - Mary Edith (Frickman) Kuzma

Sorry to report that our classmate Mary Edith (Frickman) Kuzma passed away Wednesday, February 10, 2021 in Grand Haven. An obituary is in the Tribune


Obituary: Sutsema Funeral Services, (archived)

07/20/2020 - 62nd Class Reunion Reminder

Just a reminder of planned activities for our 62nd class reunion.

Friday, July 24, 2020 Golf Outing
     Pidgeon Creek Golf Course 10195 120th Ave., West Olive, MI 49460
     Arrive by 8:15 am, pay at course, shotgun start at 9 am.
     Contacts John Helmers 616-915-9496 or Bill Rowell 231-745-3403

Saturday, July 25, 2020 Picnic at Pottawattomie Park reserved from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Bring a mask, lawn chair and your own lunch (NO potluck this year)

Sunday, July 26, 2020 Pizza at Fricano's Muskegon at 4 pm

Questions: Contact me at 812-618-8054

Hope to see many of you this year.

Dave Matzen

06/29/2020 - 62nd Class Reunion - Golf Outing

Attention Golfers: Please confirm with John Helmers if you plan to participate in our annual golf outing planned for Friday, July 24 (either send him an email at or call him at 616-915-9496). The event will be held at Pigeon Creek golf course (same place as last year) with tee times beginning at 9am. The cost is $28 for golf and $5 toward prize money and other expenses (total cost $33). We will be playing two person teams and in a scramble format. We will provide donuts when you arrive and coffee can be purchased at the club house. We are not planning a lunch; however, hotdogs and other snack foods can be purchased in the club house. We will have a brief get together after the event to award prizes.

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020, 10:53 AM John helmers wrote:

Here are the ones I know are going to participate ... John Helmers, Dave Seaver, Bill Rowell, Jan Lasko, Roger Bordewyk, Rusty Schaubel

I will be calling those that played last year and I am sure we will have at least 3 foursomes. I have Pidgeon Creek (same place as last year) reserved for our event and we will have Tee times between 9 and 9:30. Food will be limited. We plan to bring donuts and coffee will be available at the course. We plan to have a brief get together after our outing to recognize winners. We are going to keep it simple this year. Cost is yet to be determined, but it will be no more than last year but should be less because of no lunch.


06/28/2020 - 62nd Class Reunion - Girls' Luncheon Cancelled

There will not be a girls' luncheon this year because of the COVID19 Virus. The restaurants are not capable of serving large groups yet. (per Gloria Draeger - 616-502-1617)

Hope to see everyone on Saturday, July 25, for our class get-together.


06/13/2020 - 62nd Class Reunion

Greetings Classmates!

Another year and it's time for our 62nd class reunion. Hard to believe that it's been so many years since we were together in school. Seems like yesterday. What keeps our memories alive are the ongoing reunions. These past several months have, I'm sure have been difficult for many of us. However, rest assured, we are still planning on another class get together to share memories and experiences. So, mark your calendar for the following activities:

Friday, July 24, 2020:
     Golf outing TBD if interested contact John Helmers (616-915-9496) or Bill Rowell (231-745-3403)
     Girls Luncheon TBD girls, if interested, contact Gloria Draeger (cell 616-502-1617)

Saturday, July 25, 2020:
     Picnic at Pottawattomie Park from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Bring your own lunch and lawn chair.

Sunday, July 26, 2020:
     Pizza at Fricano's Muskegon at 4 pm

If you have any questions, please contact me at: cell 812-618-8054 or email

Thank you for all the help. Hope to see many of you in July.


05/09/2020 - Norman Grieg Brown

Norman G. Brown passed away Thursday, May 7, 2020 at his home. An obituary will be posted at


Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

04/30/2020 - Mary Lou Matson

My wife, Mary Lou, passed away last Thursday, April 23, 2020. After over ten years of having Alzheimer's she is at peace.

Just wanted you to know since I'm not sure if you all read the Tribune.

Thank you for all the prayers.


04/25/2020 - Mary Lou Matson

Mary Lou Matzen passed away April 23, 2020 in Newburgh, Indiana. Prayers for Mary Lou; prayers and condolences for David and family.

Gene Warner

Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

04/15/2020 - Bruce A. Kiebach

Another classmate, Bruce A. Kiebach, passed away Tuesday, April 14, 2020 in Spring Lake. His obituary is in the Grand Haven Tribune.


Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

04/14/2020 - Richard (Dick) Tubbs

Sorry to report that our classmate Richard M. (Dick) Tubbs passed away Friday, April 10, 2020. His obituary is published in the Grand Haven Tribune.


Obituary: Clock Funeral Home, (archived)

02/27/2020 - Dennis Noren

I am sad to report that our classmate, Dennis Noren, passed away Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at his home. His obituary can be found at


Obituary: Sytsema Funeral & Cremation Services, (archived)

02/21/2020 - Gary Hudd

I have been informed that our classmate, Gary Hudd, passed away either Monday evening or Tuesday, February 18, 2020. Funeral is planned for Friday, February 21 at Watermark Church, 13060 West Olive Drive, West Olive, Michigan 49460.


Obituary: Phoenix Crematory Service, (archived)

09/14/2019 - 61st Annual Reunion Recap

Saturday, July 27, 2019 Picnic @ Pottawattomie Park on a beautiful day 52 attended.

Sunday, July 28, 2019 Pizza @ Fricano's in Muskegon 26 attended.

Other items:
Our current bank account balance is $402.57

Betty and Maynard Juell took pictures at the picnic and pizza and have a DVD available for $15.00. If you would like a copy send $15.00 to Betty Juell, 5160 Cliff Street, Hudsonville, MI 49426.
Her contact is 616-457-9709 and

NEXT YEAR OUR 62nd Reunion
Mark these dates:
     Thursday, July 23, 2020 possible Canoe Trip
     Friday, July 24, 2020 Girl's Luncheon and Golf Outing
     Saturday, July 25, 2020 Picnic
     Sunday, July 26,2020 Pizza

Any questions, suggestions, whatever, let me know.


07/03/2019 - Richard 'Michael' Holm

Richard 'Michael' Holm passed away June 22, 2019 in Norton Shores, Michigan. There was a short obituary in the Grand Haven Tribune.


Obituary: Grand Haven Tribune, (archived)

05/28/2019 - Girls Luncheon

Sorry guys, this is just for the girls.

Girls Luncheon at TED'S Restaurant (previously Vic's) at 14977 Cleveland in Spring Lake (next to Draeger Motor Sales).

Friday, July 26, 2019 Noon til ??? We will order lunch from their new menu.

Contact Gloria Draeger to make reservations at or Home at 616-842-9665 or cell 616-502-1617


05/28/2019 - Canoe Outing

I am planning the canoe trip for Thurs. July 25, at noon at the Chinook Campground. It's at 5471 W. 112th St. just NW of Grant. It's about a 4 hour trip. Always fun!

Canoe 2 people $25 for both. Kayak $15 each. Bring your own lunch/snacks. We need at least 6 people to go. Please contact Jan Lasko, 906 241-9304 by July 15.

Jan Lasko

05/24/2019 - 2019 Reunion Update

Details for the golf outing have been finalized.

Please see 61st class reunion for the details.


05/15/2019 - 2019 Reunion

Attached is the schedule of activities for our 61st class reunion. Please let me know of any changes in address, email or phone number.

Looking forward to another fun time of fellowship.


04/11/2019 - John K (Jack) Parcheta

Sorry to report that Jack Parcheta passed away Sunday, April 7, 2019. There are no other details.

Please keep Mary and the family in your prayers.


Obituary: Bradshaw Celebration of Life Center, (archived)

03/22/2019 - Jack Parcheta

From Mary Parcheta: While on a ski vacation in Colorado, Jack suffered a stroke and is in ICU in a Denver Hospital. Please pray for comfort and peace for Jack.


02/16/2019 - In Memory of Gary VerPlank

On behalf of the class of 1958, we have made a contribution of $100 to the Spring Lake Junior Sailing Association Foundation in memory of Gary VerPlank.

If you would like to make an individual donation to recognize Gary's legacy of giving in his memory, here is the contact information (these were listed in lieu of flowers in his obituary):

Grand Haven Area Community Foundation
Greatest Needs Fund
One South Harbor Drive
Grand Haven, MI 49417 - online donation:

Spring Lake Junior Sailing Association
Endowment Fund
P.O. Box 444
Spring Lake, MI 49456 - online donation:


02/12/2019 - Gary VerPlank

Sorry to report that our classmate Gary VerPlank passed away last evening (February 11, 2019).

No details yet on arrangements. (Update: visitation Thursday Feb 14, 3:00-7:00pm, at All Shores Wesleyan Church in Spring Lake; funeral Friday Feb 15, 11:00am, also at All Shores Wesleyan.)


Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

01/07/2019 - GHSF Donation

Just received an acknowledgement of the class donation of $500 to the Grand Haven Schools Foundation.

"On behalf of the Board of Directors, and the families who will benefit from your support, thank you for your generous gift to the Grand Haven Schools Foundation's Kids Read Now campaign. An investment in early childhood education is an investment in our community's future. Your gift will not only support the education and development of area students, it will offer hope and a strengthened future to their families. Thank you for helping secure our community's future by investing in our children today. Your gift is truly appreciated.

Sincerely, Hannah Olechnowicz, Executive Director"


12/19/2018 - GHSF Donation

Since the class has over $1000 in the account, the committee agreed to contribute $500 to the Grand Haven Schools Foundation and the donation was sent December 20, 2018.

This will be the fifth time the class has made a donation to the GHSF.


12/04/2018 - Don Miller

Donald (Don) Miller of Spring Lake passed away Sunday, December 2, 2018.

Funeral services will be at 11 am Friday, December 7, 2018 at Ferrysburg Community Church. Visitation 4-7 pm Thursday, December 6, 2018 and 10-11 am Friday before the service.


Obituary: Sytsema Funeral Home, (archived)

09/15/2018 - Reunion Pictures

In the past Betty (Medendorp) Juell and her husband, Maynard, have taken pictures at our picnics and pizza get togethers. Betty and Maynard will be out of town due to a death in the family and will not be able to take class pictures. If anyone would be able and could take our class pictures at the reunion and pizza get togethers, please let me know.

Thanks so much,


08/29/2018 - Reunion ... Memories

This is an idea and memory from Don Buikema. I think this is a good idea. If anyone would like to send a memory from their days in high school and be willing for those to be shared, please send to me. I will put together and read at the reunion.

If you are unable to attend the reunion, I would be happy to send any memories to you.


08/21/2018 - Reunion Homecoming Football Game

Grand Haven's football homecoming game is Friday, September 28 the day before our 60th Reunion. The high school has agreed to reserve a section for our class to attend. We would pay for our own tickets. We need to know how many classmates would be attending the game.

Let me know if you plan to attend the game. This will be great fun!


08/20/2018 - Re: Golf Outing

Attached is a reminder about details for our class golf outing September 28, 2018 Please note and if you plan to participate contact John Helmers.

Class of '58 Reunion Golf Outing

These are a reminder and instructions for those interested or are planning to participate in the outing. The Golf Outing will take place on Friday, September 28 at the Evergreen Golf Course (same location as last year). Cost for the event is $35 and includes 18 holes of golf with power cart, continental breakfast, lunch and prizes. Please bring cash to the golf course for payment. You are welcome to bring a spouse, friend or family member to make up your team, or we will pair you with someone. Tee times will begin at 9am, but please plan to arrive no later than 8:30am for payment, continental breakfast and instruction regarding the outing.

If you have not already been contacted, please call John Helmers (616) 915-9496 so we can add you to our participant list.


08/04/2018 - Re: Joyce Dempsey

Joyce (Dempsey) Welling passed away August 2, 2018. Obituary in the Grand Haven Tribune.


Obituary: Klaassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

07/09/2018 - Re: Canoe Trip

Will you please post this to see if anyone is interested? I need to know by July 26.

Canoe trip Aug. 9. Four-hour trip on Muskegon river beginning at noon. Chinook campground just north of Grant, MI.

Canoe 2 people $25 for both ... Kayak 1 person $15

Bring own is $10 transport fee. Please send contact Jan Lasko at 906.241.9304, call or text or email at It's always fun!

Jan Lakso

06/17/2018 - Re: Thomas Regelin

I received a return of the Reservation Form and a Death Certificate from Tom Regelin's son, Scott, showing that Tom passed away June 13, 2017 in Grand Haven.


Obituary: Grand Haven Tribune, (archived)

06/17/2018 - Re: Robert Miller

Just received word that Bob Miller passed away yesterday June 16, 2018. No other details.


Obituary: A H Peters Funeral Home, (archived)

06/15/2018 - Re: Larry Taylor

I received a call from Marg Taylor informing us that Larry Taylor passed away March 2, 2017.


Obituary: Matthysse Kuiper DeGraaf Funeral Home, (archived)

06/08/2018 - Re: James Sheffield

Jim Sheffield passed away Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at his home in Honor Michigan. The funeral will be at Reynolds-Jonkhoff Funeral Home in Traverse City.


Obituary: Reynolds-Jonkhoff Funeral Home, (archived)

06/07/2018 - Re: 60th Class Reunion

Classmates ... Our 60th class reunion is this year and a committee has planned a dinner and other activities to celebrate the occasion. Attached is a Reservation Form to be completed and returned by August 15. On the back of the Form are other planned activities. The committee hopes that many will be able to attend and enjoy fellowship and share memories. If there are any questions, please contact me at 812.618.8054. Looking forward to seeing many of you in September.


05/22/2018 - Re: 60th Class Reunion

The plans for our 60th Class Reunion have been finalized. Check them out here and please plan to come. Please download and return the reservation form, whether or not you're able to come to dinner on Saturday night, so I'll be able to keep your contact information up to date.


04/29/2018 - Re: Randall J. Dekker

I am Randy Dekker's wife of 28-1/2 years and I am so sad to report that Randall (Randy) J. Dekker joined his Heavenly Father on Saturday, April 21, 2018, after fighting a rare lymphoma for one year. He was diagnosed with Stage IV Blastic Mantle Cell Lymphoma, acting like leukemia in early May 2017. He began chemo immediately, had a positive reaction and was declared in remission in September. Because there is no cure for mantle cell lymphoma, he continued with chemo treatments. However, he lost the use of his legs in early November and never walked or drove again. In January, after a spinal tap, we were told there were cancer cells in his spinal fluid and if not already in the lining of his brain, it would travel there. We were told there was no effective treatment and advised to go on hospice care. I brought him home on January 20, 2018, and he died on hospice care in our home with me and two of his close friends beside him. Randy loved Grand Haven and his friends there. He was cremated and his services are Monday, April 30, at United Methodist Church of the Servant in OKC. I plan to bring some of his ashes back to Michigan at some point in the future. I love Michigan too.

Randy's complete obituary may be read at:

Gayle Dekker

03/01/2018 - Re: Jim Sheffield

From Sue Sheffield:

We are now at the cancer center in Traverse City. There is no cure for his liver cancer. They are waiting for the records from Henry Ford facility. There is a pill that costs $17,000 a month with awful side effects and only a 2% chance of improvement....(doesn't make sense to us)....He feels good and is doing anything he wants...just gets tired. The doctor says it could be 2 months or 2 years as there is no way of knowing. It is a rare cancer. The good thing when the doctor checked him Monday, he said it didn't hurt, so maybe the seeds are working....keep us in your prayers.


02/25/2018 - Re: David Wyma

David Wyma passed away February 14, 2018 at Trillium Hospice. His obituary is in the Grand Haven Tribune Saturday, February 24, 2018.

Visitation Sunday, February 25, 2018 from 2-5 pm at the Langeland-Sterenberg Funeral Home, 315 East 16th Street, Holland.


Obituary: Langland-Sterenbery Funeral Home, (archived)

02/11/2018 - Re: 60th GHHS Reunion Committee Update

See attached Committee Progress Report and Reservation Form.

Let me know if you were able to open. If not, I will send a copy by mail.


12/16/2017 - Re: Jim Sheffield

Jim Sheffield is getting treatment at Henry Ford Hospital for Liver Cancer. He will get seeds implanted this week — Pray for us!!!!!

Our Address is ... if anyone wants to send him a card ...
Jim Sheffield
PO Box 22
Beulah, MI 49617


12/12/2017 - Re: Leonard Kanouse

Leonard (Len) L. Kanouse passed away December 9, 2017 in Grand Haven. Prayers of peace and comfort for Donna and the family.


Obituary: Sytsema Funeral Home, (archived)

10/13/2017 - Re: Ruth Ann Vincent

Sorry to report that Ruth Ann (Vincent) Gustafson passed away Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Services will be announced at a future date by The Lee Chapel of Sytsema Funeral Homes.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Sytsema Funeral Home, (archived)

09/30/2017 - Re: Gerry VanEck

Gerrit P. VanEck passed away unexpectedly Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at Mercy Hospital in Muskegon, Michigan. Gerrit was born March 18, 1939 and his request was for no visitation or services.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: (archived - Tribune)

06/20/2017 - Re: Richard Olechnowicz

Sorry to report that Richard Olechnowicz passed away Saturday, June 17, 2017. Arrangements are being made by Klaassen Family Funeral Home.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

05/25/2017 - Re: 2017 Reunion Golf Outing

Just a reminder to contact any of the following to participate in the golf outing at Evergreen Golf Course on Friday, July 28, 2017:

John Helmers 616-915-9496 —
Rusty Schaubel 216-838-1625 —
Bill Rowell 231-745-3403 —


Dave Matzen

05/21/2017 - Re: Mary (Kammeraad) Boes

Mary (Kammeraad) Boes passed away Wednesday, May 17, 2017. Her obit is on the Klaassen Family Funeral Home.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

04/22/2017 - Re: Barbara Ann (Dixon) Johnston

Information received from Kim Johnston, Barbara (Dixon) Johnston's daughter-in-law. Barbara passed away in December, 2013.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: James Funeral Home, (archived)

04/18/2017 - Re: 59th Annual Class Reunion

Preliminary plans for the 2017 reunion - in PDF format.

Dave Matzen

03/29/2017 - Re: Judy Thoma Elenbaas

So sorry to inform you all, but Judie Elenbaas passed away unexpectedly Monday, March 27, 2017. Information about the service can be found at

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Hultgren Funeral Home, (archived)

08/24/2016 - Re: Doug Barney

Just a note that I am going, not strong, but going. And my wife's name is Marilyn. Prayers for all.

Doug Barney

08/23/2016 - Re: George Vollmer

Sorry to report that George Vollmer passed away August 19, 2016.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

07/08/2016 - Re: 58th Reunion of the Class of 58 GHHS

Just a reminder of the 58th Reunion plans: In three weeks...

Thursday, July 28 Canoe Trip contact Jan Lasko 906-241-9304

Friday, July 29 Golf Outing Evergreen Golf Course contact Gary Hudd 616-502-5613

Saturday, July 30 Potluck Picnic.....bring a dish to share and your own drinks; plates, napkins, service provided Pottawattomie Park 11 am to 3 pm contact Dave Matzen 812-618-8054

Sunday, July 31 Pizza Fricano's Muskegon 4 pm contact Dave Matzen

Hope to see many of you for a fun weekend! - Dave

06/17/2016 - Re: Phyllis Dayton (Sickman)

Dear Dave, Thank you for the reminder. We will be coming to GH the end of June to see our daughter and family before they head back to Indonesia. They are home for a months rest after 2&1/2 years with Mission Aviation Fellowship They will be gone again for another 2&1/2 years before another leave, so we will be home now instead of July.So sorry to have to miss the reunion again and see some of my old classmates. Please give them our greetings

Regards, Phyllis & Dave Dayton (Sickman)

Forwarded by Dave Matzen

01/25/2016 - Re: Mike Bazany

We have attached a letter to be enjoyed by all who gave pleasure to, and received pleasure from MIKE BAZANY.

Thank you, from his family.

Forwarded by Dave Matzen

Open/Download the letter (PDF)

10/27/2015 - Re: Nanci Katt Tysman

(Notification of Nanci's passing.)

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home, (archived)

09/11/2015 - Re: John Crandle

Our classmate John Crandle passed away Saturday, September 5, 2015 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I don't have any other details.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Langland Family Funeral Home, (archived)

08/24/2015 - Re: Chuck Joiner

Floyd C. "Chuck" Joiner passed away August 16, 2015. I do not have any other details. His obit was in the Tribune. Please pray for his family.

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Klassen Family Funeral Home

08/08/2015 - Re: Tom Molenkamp

Tom passed away May 9,2013 in Kentucky. His cousin (Charlene Mayrose) gave me the information. (Webmaster Note: a.k.a. Thomas Ray Blease, Thomas R Molenkamp/Molencamp)

Dave Matzen

Obituary: Schoppenhorst, Underwood and Brooks Funeral Home, (archived)

03/27/2015 - Re: Mary Lou (Beekman) Nummikoski

Mary Lou (Beekman) Nummikoski passed away Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at The Inn at Freedom Village in Holland. Her obituary is at Dykstra Funeral Home Holland

Pray for comfort and peace for Mary Lou's family. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: Dykstra Funeral Home, (archived)

03/20/2015 - Re: Jack Fase

Jack Fase passed away unexpectedly on March 14, 2015 in Westlake Village, California. More information can be found by either Googling Jacob Peter Fase Jr. or Ventura County Star Obituaries -

Sorry for this news. Pray for comfort and peace for his family. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks-Griffin Memorial Park, (archived)

03/12/2015 - Re: Glen Giant

Glen A. Giant was killed in a car accident on March 7, 2015. I don't have any other details. There is an obituary in the Grand Haven Tribune.

Prayers for the family of comfort and strength, — Dave Matzen

Obituary: Sytsema Funeral Home (archived) Accident Report

01/13/2015 - Re: William Draper

Our classmate William (Bill) L. Draper passed away Friday, January 9, 2015. I've attached his picture and obituary.

Prayers for Bill's family during this loss. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: (archived)

01/05/2015 - Re: Francile Kay Boelens (Schultz)

Francile Kay Boelens (Schultz) died of a heart attack January 1, 2015 at Mercy Hospital in Muskegon.

Pray for comfort for the family. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: VanZantwick, Bartels and Kammeraad Funeral Homes (archived)

10/31/2014 - Re: Roy Shields

The visitation will be Friday from 1-3 and7-9 at vanzantwick bartels kammeraad funeral home in grand haven at 7th and Washington. Funeral is at St. John's on Saturday at 11 am.

Thanks - Karen (Fwd by Dave Matzen)

Obituary: VanZantwick, Bartels and Kammeraad Funeral Homes (archived)

10/30/2014 - Re: Roy Shields

I'm sorry to inform all that Roy Shields passed away on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 in Grand Haven. Visitation is Friday, October 31, 2014 from 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 at St Johns Lutheran Church on Taylor in Grand Haven. Service will be Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 11am.

Please pray for Karen and family during this time. — Dave Matzen

10/20/2014 - Re: Wanda (Gringhuis) Anderson

Wanda is inviting all classmates to a showing of her art at the Grand Haven Community Center from October 27 through November 29. — Dave Matzen

10/16/2014 - Re: Roy Shields

Cy Stewart just informed me that Roy Shields is having a difficult time and needs our prayers. Please pray for comfort and peace for Roy. — Dave Matzen

04/30/2014 - Re: 2014 Class Reunion

Another class reunion (56th) was a lot of fun and an opportunity to visit with many classmates. Thank you to all that attended and contributed to a great three days of activities, food and fun.

RECAP: Friday, July 25, 2014 Golf Scramble at Evergreen Golf Course. Gary Hudd arranged, prepared a continental breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks. 12 classmates participated with several guests for a total of 20.

RECAP: Saturday, July 26, 2014 Picnic from 11 am to 3 pm at Pottawattomie Park.Gary Hudd reserved the Park and prepared the buffet lunch. Deserts were provided by classmates. 47 classmates attended with guests for a total of 73.

RECAP: Sunday, July 27, 2014 Pizza at 4 pm at Fricano's in Muskegon arranged by Gary Hudd. 31 attended.

The weather was great as well as the fellowship. We'll do it again next year. RESERVE THE DATES OF JULY 23, 24, 25 26. We will add a canoe trip on Thursday the 23rd. Jan Lasko has volunteered to coordinate a 3 hour canoe trip down the White River. So far 8 classmates indicated they would participate (Jan, Ray Schaubel, Bill Rowell, Dave Matzen, Roger Keift, Mary and Howard VerBerkmoes, Nancy Boon).

Our updated list of deceased classmates is 59 through July, 2014.

Thank you to Gary Hudd for all his efforts to make this year's reunion another success.

Note this update is being sent to all classmates that have email. However, due to the cost of postage, this won't be sent to those that don't have email. I will send out an email and letter announcing next year's reunion around April of next year. Pass this along to any classmate you know that don't have email. Also, let me know if any mailing addresses, emails or phone numbers have changed.

Thanks, for a great reunion and look forward to another great time next year! — Dave Matzen

04/30/2014 - Re: Mike Bazany

Hi Dave — On a positive note the Bazany's are doing well with lots of poker, pickle ball and travel. June is fishing Flathead Lake outside Glacier National Park the touring the park, Alberta, BC, WA and CA. Fall is a month in France highlighted by renting a boat and spending 10 days on the Midi Canal. Wish everyone my best and enjoy the class activities.

Thanks again, Mike          (shared by Dave Matzen)

04/28/2014 - Re: Larry E. Kenyon

Larry Kenyon passed away June, 2012. His wife contacted me and gave me the information. Sorry to hear about Larry. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: Stegenga Funeral Chapel (archived)

04/28/14 - Re: Joyce (DeRooy) Allen, Glenn Pickard, and Sharon (Kephart) Moeller

I have received the following about classmates from their family or their spouses:

Joyce (Derooy) Allen passed away last September, 2013. I do not know the date, but Joyce lived in Wyoming, MI. Her daughter reported the news.

Obituary: Matthysse, Kuiper & DeGraaf Funeral Directors (archived)

Glenn Pickard passed away October 26, 2013. His wife sent me the news. Glenn had Parkinson's. He lived in Florida.

Obituary: (archived)

Sharon (Kephart) Moeller reported that her husband, Don, passed away March 20, 2014. Sharon's address is 1108 5th Street NW, Waverly, IA 50677.

Obituary: Kaiser-Corson Funeral Home (archived)

Sorry to hear about these passings. They all will be dearly missed. Many blessings to all these families. — Dave Matzen

04/24/2014 - Re: LeRoy M. Francis

I just heard from Jean Francis that Le Roy passed away February 21, 2014. He had Parkinson's and Jean took care of him at home until he passed away. Jean's address is Jean Francis, 124 Wade-Stedman Rd, Stedman, NC 28391 if you would like to send a card. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: Butler Funeral Home (archived)

09/27/2013 - Re: David Robertson

This is sad news. I knew David through Alma College, Presbyterian Villages and as the senior minister at Orchard Lake. He most recently served as an interim minister at Midland Memorial. He was a great minister and very sharp and intelligent man. Tom Cook (Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven)

09/27/2013 - Re: David Robertson Service

This is the service information from David's daughter Sarah:

Visitation at the Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian, 5171 Commerce Rd., Orchard Lake, MI 48324 on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at 2:30 pm. The funeral will be at 3:00 pm with a reception to follow. — Dave Matzen

Obituary: Elton Black & Son Funeral Home (archived)

09/27/2013 - Re: David Robertson

Dear, Dear Friends ~

This is the saddest news I've ever had to share. Today we lost a beloved father, brother, grandfather and spouse. Because of his weakened condition due to chemo, David passed on to join the church eternal and triumphant this afternoon around 4 PM.

Early this morning the doctors had identified his colon infection as a deadly Clostridium Difficile (known in medical circles as "c diff) ." This caused very low blood pressure, leading to kidney failure. He was in extreme discomfort from the nausea but was alert and could talk with us to the end. A final measure to get rid of the septic material building up, dialysis, was tried but failed because his veins collapsed and the blood clotted. He understood the situation, was calm and sure to the end, as we sang favorite hymns, read scriptures and shared words of comfort and love. Jim left Traverse City around midnight, picked me up about 3 and we were at the hospital by 4 to join Sarah who had spent the night. Andy called from Chad in time to talk with David and brighten his final hours, then called again just as morphine was administered. His two sisters were there too, so David was surrounded by those who loved him.

With my eyes full of tears, I cannot write any more at the moment, but wanted you to know, and I thank you so much for your notes and prayers during his long struggle with cancer. I'll keep in touch.

Mary and the family — Fwd by: Dave Matzen

01/02/2013 - Re: Joan (Munch) Rosema

Joan (Munch) Rosema passed away Tuesday, January 1, 2013. Visitation is Friday, January 4, 2013 from 6 to 8 at Klaassen Family Funeral home and the funeral will be Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 11 am at the Lutheran Church. - Dave Matzen

Obituary: (archived)

GHHS 2012 Summer Get Together

Grand Haven High School Class of 1958

Annual Summer Get-Together and Picnic

GOLF Friday, July 27, 2012 coordinated by John Helmers. Those interested contact John at 3908 Ravine Drive, Allendale, MI 49401; phone 616-892-5898; cell phone 616-915-9496 or email for details (course, time cost)

PICNIC Saturday, July 28, 2012 at Pottawattomie Park 11 am to 3 pm. Picnic food coordinated and provided by Gary Hudd and Bob Miller. If you could help Gary and Bob here are their contacts:

Gary Hudd 14474 Lincoln Street, Grand Haven, MI 49417 cell phone 616-402-0105 email

Bob Miller 30843 Saint Onge Citcle, Warren, MI 48088 cell phone 586-219-1846 email

Please bring your own drinks. A free will basket will be available to cover the cost of the rental and food.

Let me know by July 15 if you plan to attend the picnic so Gary and Bob can prepare enough food.

PIZZA Sunday, July 29, 2012 4 pm Fricano's Muskegon coordinated by Gary Hudd. A free will contribution will be taken for the pizza.

Come and enjoy the wonderful opportunity to relax and visit with many classmates.

Thank you to all that have supported and worked hard to make each get-together and picnic a success. If you have any questions or could help in any way, contact me at or cell phone 812-618-8054

Dave Matzen

Summer Class Picnic

So can make plans for the summer of 2012. our annual summer class picnic will be Saturday, July 28, 2012 from 11 am to 3 pm at Pottawattomie Park.

This has been a wonderful opportunity to relax and visit with many classmates. As in the past, there could be golfing, canoeing and pizza as additional activities. These depend on interest and volunteers to coordinate the activities. Let me know if you have any interest in any of these activities.

In advance of the picnic and other activities, I'll send more details and a reminder.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 28, 2012 and come and enjoy renewed friendships with many classmates.

Thanks to all that have supported and worked hard to make each picnic enjoyable. Looking forward to another great time.

Dave Matzen

10-31-11 - On a happier note: Leland - a new classmate-authored novel

LeelanauNews.Com - October 17, 2011

See the online Leelanau Enterprise Article or the archived version


Holland Sentinel, The (MI) - October 2, 2011

'Leland - a Novel'

"Leland - a Novel" tells the fictional story of ordinary people living amidst the extraordinary beauty of Michigan's National Lakeshore.It's about the not-sogood side of good people, and the good side of the not-so-good.It covers the young and the old and how they become enmeshed in circumstances that conspire to destroy the beauty in their lives and the character of their personal histories.The author resides in Grand Haven.


Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI) - October 9, 2011

Gene I. Warner writes 'Leland'

TRAVERSE CITY - Gene I. Warner has written "Leland," a novel about people living near the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It's a story about ordinary people living in the midst of extraordinary beauty, including the good and not-so-good sides of those people. Warner also is the author of "The Manitou Passage Story" and "Mind Over Monster." The author resides in Grand Haven, Michigan.


hameless self promotion - Gene Warner

10-24-2011 - Re: Don Bigler

More about Don from Billie - Dave Matzen



Per Don's wishes we had a 'private good-bye', no public services/memorials ... to many people's consternation ... .just our immediate family ... son, grandchildren, etc. Don was cremated and his ashes will be scattered off his 'beloved' Grand Haven Pier at an undisclosed time. Anyone wishing to donate in his memory can contribute to Junior Golf Association of AZ, 10888 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029. Seriously, I doubt anybody would be interested because of the of the loss of closeness to many of his classmates through the years. He always shared /remembered his youth in Grand Haven ... those years were very special to him. Last summer our Son, Grandchildren spent time in Grand Haven going to all of Don's 'special' places/haunts. Quite a remembrance for their beloved Grandfather/Father/Father-in-Law/ Husband. He will be missed but always remembered!

Thanks, Billie

10-23-2011 - Re: Don Bigler

I was just informed of the death of Don Bigler by Billie Bigler. He passed away September 7, 2011. I don't have any other details at this time. Thought you all would like to know. - Dave Matzen

Obituary: Moore-Grimshas Memorial (archived) | Arizona Republic

05/20/2011 - Class Reunion

Attached is the reservation form and information about our three class ('56, '57, '58) get together this summer August 12. Note the due date for reservations and also the other activity opportunities. Hope to see many of you there. It should be fun to see classmates from the other classes. Note that the attachment is a pdf file and can not be opened in Word.

Look forward to another fun filled fellowship picnic. - Dave Matzen

05/04/2011 - Re: Barbara (Harz) Bonny

I just wanted to report of the tragic death of Barbara (Harz) Bonny in a house fire Tuesday, May 3, 2011 in Naples Park, Florida. Dave Matzen

Obituary: Naples News Article | Grand Haven Tribune Article | Grand Haven Tribune (archived)

04/04/2011 - Re: Karyn Rue (Dirkse) Draper

Our classmate Karyn Rue (Dirkse) Draper passed away March 23, 2011 in Crozier, Virginia. Thought you all would like to know. I don't have any other details. - Dave Matzen

Obituary: Richmond Times-Dispatch (archived)

10-19-2010 - Re: Richard (Dick) Ruiter

It is with sadness that our classmate Richard (Dick) Ruiter passed away May 26, 2010 in Franklin, Oakland County, Michigan. I have no other details to share. - Dave Matzen

Obituary: Bikram Yoga Memorial (archived)

10-19-2010 - Re: Fred Lasko (husband of Janet Blaksley Lasko)

Fred passed away last Friday at home in his sleep at 10:05 am. The service will be this Saturday in Nahma. He wished to be cremated. If you'd like to see the obit, you may do so at the Skradski-Boyce Funeral Home website.

My daughter Linda has been here with me for almost two weeks. Her family came up on the weekends. The rest of my family will be here Friday night. They've been such a big help. - Janet Lasko

08-05-2010 - Summer Get-Together

Classmates ... What a wonderful summer of activities ... canoe trip; golf; picnic and pizza

We had a great turn out:
    • 16 for the canoe trip down the lazy White River on a great day
    • 12 golfers on Friday at Evergreen Golf Course another beautiful day
    • 70 attended the picnic (48 classmates and 22 guests) at Pottawattomie Park
    • 46 enjoyed pizza at Fricano's in Muskegon

Special thanks to those that made all the activities so enjoyable: Gary Hudd for all the great food (golf, picnic, and pizza); Janet Lasko for arranging the canoe trip; Gene and Patty Warner for the lunches for the canoe trip; John Helmers for organizing the golf outing; Bob and Dorothy Miller for all their help at the picnic and all those that brought desert. Thanks to all that participated in some or all of the activities. What a great way to keep in touch and to have fellowship.

For those that did not attend....we lost three classmates since last year:
    — Bill Selgert September 3, 2009
    — Arlynn Hodges January 27, 2010
    — Barbara (Abraham) Bishop July 9, 2010
    — and one from 2008, Jim Swieringa July 15, 2008

Since we have a good balance in our bank account, we voted to send $500 to the Grand Haven Schools Foundation. It's wonderful that we are able to make contributions back to our school and community.

Next year we will combine with the classes of 1956 and 1957 for a picnic on August 12, 2011. More details to come.

If you have a computer, check out our class website that was created by Gene Warner at This is a great way to communicate with classmates. Check it out and use it. Also if any of your addresses change (home/email), please let me know.

Again, thanks to all those that made this year a wonderful time of fellowship! - Dave Matzen

01-29-2010 - Re: Classmate Passes Away

Arlynn L. "Art" Hodges passed away Wednesday, January 27, 2010 in Allendale, Michigan. The obit is in the Grand Haven Tribune today. (Grand Rapids Press Obituary) - Dave Matzen

12-30-2009 - Re: Death of Parent of Judy (Bierman) Schippers

Helen E Bierman of Grand haven, mother of Judy (Bierman) Schippers, passed away Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 96 years of age. She leaves four children, and many grandchildren and greatgrand children. Service arrangements will be announced later by the (Clock Life Story Funeral Home of Grand Haven.) - Jim Shippers

09-08-2009 - Re: Bill Selgert

I have just been informed that Bill Selgert passed away September 3, 2009. Bill's funeral was held today (Tuesday, September 8, 2009) at St. John's Lutheran Church of Grand Haven. (Muskegon Chronical Obituary) - Dave Matzen

08-28-2009 - Fall Get-Together Reminder

Just a reminder about our Get-Together on September 11, 12 and 13. There is still time to sign up. In fact, come to any or all the events. This is another great opportunity for fellowship with our classmates.

Here are the details:
     • Friday, September 11 - Golf Outing Evergreen Golf Course 8:30 am start time
        cost $35 includes green fee, lunch and prizes.
     • Friday, September 11 - Football game GHHS vs Muskegon 6:30 pm no charge,
        but suggest a $5 donation to the Athletic Endowment Fund
     • Saturday, September 12 - Picnic at Pottawattomie Park 10 am to 2 pm
        free will donation to cover cost.
     • Sunday, September 13 - Pizza Fricano's in Muskegon around 4 pm
        free will donation to cover cost.

If you can't make any of the activities, please let us know of any changes in your address and if you know of other classmates that did not receive this information. Send your participation intentions to Mary Voetberg, or mail to ...
        Mary Voetberg
        4184 Butternut Dr.
        Holland, MI 49424

Contact me if there are any questions or 812-853-2142 - Dave Matzen

05-17-2009 - Personal Website or Public Profile?

Reminder: Do you have a personal website, or a public personal networking profile (e.g., on Facebook, Myspace, or etc.)? Share it your classmates here. Let everyone know wha'sup with you now. To keep the "classmates" listings simple, links to personal pages are attached to your current physical address. Clicking on the 'City, ST' segment of your listing will open your personal home page. If you'd like to share your link, send me a note with a link to your site or profile. - Webmaster (Gene Warner)

05-10-2009 - Re: Jim Braak

It is with a deep sense of sadness that our good friend and classmate Jim Braak has passed away. Jim died today and the funeral will be in Spring Lake at the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, May 13 at 11:00 AM. Interment will follow at the Spring Lake Cemetery. Visitation is Tuesday, May 12 from 2:00 to 4:00 and 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Arsulowicz Brothers Mortuary, 3525 Remembrance Rd. NW, Grand Rapids. (Grand Rapids Press Obituary) - Dave Matzen

04-01-2009 - From: Scott Braak

I am writing this email to you from the bedside of my dad as he is at Butterworth-Spectrum in Grand Rapids. For those of you that may or may not be aware dad is fighting stage 4 cancer. He is on day 6 of radiation and took his first dose of chemo yesterday. Dad was diagnosed 3 1/2 weeks ago and, as with everything in his life, is fighting this battle head on.

Mom brought dad in Friday night as he had not been eating or taking in fluids. Thanks to her and my cousin for forcing him to go ("I ain't going into no hospital") as his blood pressure was 60/35 and electrolytes were out of balance. He admits today that had it not been for them forcing him to go in he might not be with us today.

I have set up an account with Care Pages where you can go in and after setting up a username and password search for Jim Braak and get updates. I will update it as often as possible.

Dad is in good spirits and back at it again......I feel for the nursing staff. Seriously, dad is doing much better today and is actually gaining some strength. He plans to be here until at least next Monday and can receive emails through the Spectrum website at the following link (address removed - no longer active) They will hand deliver your email in a sealed form to his bed.

For all of those who ask "If there is ever anything I can do" ... please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

(Message forwarded by Dave Matzen)

03-23-2009 - Re: Richard Ruiter

Dear Jim,

Dave emailed me about your cancer. I want to wish you the best as you go through this. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I, too am in the middle of the same thing. I am scheduled to begin radiation in two weeks. Difficult as it is, I am managing to stay positive through the whole ordeal. I wish the same for you.

Dick Ruiter

(Message forwarded by Jim Braak. If you would like to contact Dick, his mailing address and phone number are available here, or send a note to Richard - Dave Matzen)

03-22-2009 - Re: Jim Braak

I just wanted everyone to know that a dear friend and classmate, Jim Braak, has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for strength, healing and peace for Jim.

If you would like to contact Jim, his mailing address and phone number are available here, or send a note to - Dave Matzen

01-23-2009 - Re: Judy Wheeler Decker

I have been informed of the death of our classmate Judy Wheeler Decker. She passed away Sunday, January 18, 2009 at home. I don't have more details, but I understand that an obituary will be in the Tribune soon (Funeral Home's Obituary). Thought you would all like to know. - Dave Matzen

11-12-2008 - Re: Grand Haven Schools Foundation

Our class has donated to the Grand Haven Schools Foundation. Go to and click on Alumni Fund and read about the Foundation and our contributions. The Foundation provides gifts and grants within the Grand Haven Public Schools. A donation is a great way to give back to our school. - Dave Matzen

10-29-2008 - Another Classmate Passes

Sorry to report that Jerome Willoughby of Spring Lake passed away Sunday, October 26, 2008 at a Muskegon Hospital. - Dave Matzen

10-02-2008 - 50th Class Reunion Commorative CD

As a follow-up to our 50th Class Reunion this past summer, a picture DVD is being made available to all classmates. The picture DVD contains pictures submitted by classmates and includes all reunion activities (golf outing, reunion fellowship/dinner, tour, picnic and pizza party). This is a great memory record of our 50th reunion.

If you would like to purchase the picture DVD, it is $5.00 including shipping. Please send a check made out to Grand Haven Class of 1958 and send to Mary Voetberg, 4184 Butternut Dr., Holland, MI 49424 by November 1, 2008. The DVD will be sent to you after the November 1, 2008 deadline.

If there are any questions, you may contact Bob Miller at 586-771-8806 or Dave Matzen at 812-853-2142. It was great seeing so many classmates at the 50th. - Dave Matzen

08-23-2008 - More on Kick-Off Events for Our 51st Year

The next class get together will be September 11, 2009 at a Grand Haven/Muskegon football game. Also being planned is a picnic on the 12th and possibly pizza on the 13th. Maybe even a golf outing, if the weather is ok. There will be committees organized as soon as I can put them together. We'll keep you all informed. So circle the weekend of September 11-12-13,2009. - Dave Matzen

08-22-2008 - Re Gindy (VanZylen) Barnard

Gindy is scheduled for rotator cuff surgery on Aug. 27, 2008 and would love to hear from classmates while recuperating! (contact info)

08-17-2008 - Kick-Off Event for Our 51st Year

Our next class event(s) will include a Grand Haven football game September 11, 2009. There will be more details to follow. Mark the weekend of September 11 - 13, 2009 for an opportunity to visit and renew friendships with classmates.

07-31-2008 - 51st reunion planning under way

We have begun the planning of our next reunion. We are looking for volunteers to assist in the planning of this event. Please see our reunion page for contact information.